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Length: 6 minutes

Directors: Kilian Bron & Pierre Henni

Subtitled original version

Embark with Kilian Bron to Namibia, with its huge dunes and its mysterious granite domes… The mission is simple: to go down the slopes of this magic desert with a mountain bike. A magician in a fantastic place always means fireworks!

Entre les lignes (Between the lines)

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Length: 26 minutes

Director: Yucca Films

Subtitled original version

Vivian Bruchez is one of the best steep skier in the world. Worthy successor of legends of the discipline such as Pierre Tardivel or Jean-Marc Boivin, Vivian looks back on his amazing 2018 winter wich saw some of his most impressive first descents. Falling is not an option, but pleasure is always the most important aspect of Vivian's adventures!

The Pathan Project

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Length: 40 minutes

Director: Guillaume Broust

Subtitled original version

An unexplored massif in deep in Pakistan, an unclimbed wall and a team of climbers from Belgium, France and Argentina committed to combine exploration, music and Belgian sense of humour...

Nicolas Favresse, Jean-Louis Wertz, Mathieu Maynadier and Carlitos Molina embark us in a new adventure full of surprises, French fries and twists!



Length: 21 minutes

Directors: Elie Green & Matt Green

Dreaming about the UTMB, a race that is 100 miles long with an elevation gain of 10 000 meters, is without any doubt a crazy dream… It is however the goal of British Damian Hall who is preparing himself to face the best runners of the world. Courage, resilience and self-sacrifice are essential elements to achieve this challenge, but a bit of British composure and humor can’t hurt as well!

Liv along the way

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Length: 24 minutes

Director: Switchback Entertainment

Subtitled original version

This documentary recounts the impressive project of Liv Sansoz. Former rock climbing world champion, her goal is to climb the 82 summits higher than 4000 meters in the Alps. Mixing performance, human stories and love of the mountains, the climbing champion embarks us in a wonderful and inspirational adventure!

Age of Ondra


Length: 43 minutes

Director: Big Up Production

Subtitled original version

Screams and grunts, an ascent of Adam Ondra is always a rare moment of intensity! This movie tells the story of the  world's best rock climber. At 26, he has already climbed the Dawn Wall, sent the first 9c in history, and been crown world champion. But his motivation is stronger than ever, as Adam now wants to flash a 9a+, meaning that he needs to climb a route of this difficulty first try. A grade that just ten years ago was the pinnacle of difficulty and that required hundreds of tries to be climbed by the world's best climbers!

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